Matthew Thornton Chapter, NSDAR
Nashua, New Hampshire
Nashua, New Hampshire
Our Real Daughter
Catherine Kendall Steele
Catherine Kendall Steele
The Matthew Thornton Chapter, NSDAR, placed a marker on May 22, 1982, at South Cemetery, Hollis, New Hampshire,
on the grave of Catherine Kendall Steele, our "Real Daughter."
The title "Real Daughter" is given only to those members of the National Society whose father fought in the War for Independence.
Participants at the Dedication of Catherine Kendall Steele DAR Marker included the chapter vice regent, 1980-1983; the state regent of New Hampshire,
1980-1983; the chapter regent, 1980-1983; and the state chaplain of New Hampshire, 1980-1983; and other chapter members.
Catherine was born in Amherst, New Hampshire, on May 12, 1801,
the daughter of Nathan and Sarah (Kenrick-Kendrick) Kendall.
At the age of 20, Nathan was a fifer in Captain Archelaus Town's Company.
The company went from Amherst, New Hampshire, to engage in the war.
Originally, this company was part of the 27th Massachusetts Regiment, under the command of Colonel Bridge.
At the Battle of Bunker Hill, it was one of the thirteen companies in the First New Hampshire Regiment
commanded by General John Stark of New Hampshire.
Nathan became a Captain in Colonel Town's Regiment in the Continental Army. He was pensioned at age 65.
Catherine taught public and private schools in Amherst and Concord, New Hampshire.
While in Concord, New Hampshire, she attended the reception held in honor of the Marquis de Lafayette by General Pierce.
Catherine married David Steele (1787-1866), a lawyer.
Catherine was a woman of great ability, a force of character, and refinement as a social leader.
Catherine Kendall Steele was one of the thirty charter members who organized the Matthew Thornton Chapter, NSDAR,
in Nashua, New Hampshire. She signed her papers on October 10, 1896, at ninety-five years of age.
The stones and marker are located in South Cemetery, Hollis, New Hampshire.
The cemetery is located at the corner of Ridge Road and Main Street and Pepperell Road, .6 miles south of Hollis Center.
Catherine Kendall Steele's stone is located to the right of the entrance up the hill.
Source: New Hampshire State Organization Daughters of the American Revolution (NHSODAR) History 1930,
pages 231 and 232; NHSODAR History 1970-1992, page 86.
Photos courtesy of a chapter member. Sketch of Catherine Kendall Steele courtsey of a chapter member.
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